How Structura View Works

A layered thermal and visual aerial of a roof.
An aerial visual and thermal stitched image with moisture content highlights.

Our process for protecting
your properties

A building’s enclosure includes the roof, walls, and windows. As properties age, they degrade; sealants fail, roofs collect moisture, and natural disasters cause massive damage.

As a building enclosure consultant, Structura View monitors properties for potential issues. We can then conduct detailed investigations and provide high-quality reports. This gives property stakeholders a goldmine of information to make better long-term decisions, or implement repairs.

1. Introductions
and onboarding

You may have an immediate project or are ready for routine building inspections. Either way, Structura View will get to know you and your properties. We will then create an action plan based around your needs.

The roof and parking lot of an industrial center.
A routine visual scan of an industrial building.
The same industrial center with thermal and moisture mapping imagery.
A thermal image and moisture scan of the same industrial building.

2. Immediate ongoing
drone inspections

Structura View visits all of your properties and completes the initial drone mapping process. This may uncover a current problem that requires additional review.

3. Problem detection
and investigation

If a building enclosure issue is discovered, Structura View moves into an advanced investigation phase. We use thermal imaging, moisture meters, core sampling, and other tools to get the exact data necessary.

A non-destructive moisture meter.
A non-destructive moisture meter on a roof.
A Structura View interactive report on a computer screen.
A Structura View interactive report on a computer screen.

4. Reporting and consulting
on solutions

A Structura View report contains everything a stakeholder needs to know about the property. Our reports can be used for RFP development, insurance claims, legal issues, purchasing decisions, and much more.

5. Quality control during solution implementation

As repairs or remediations are being made, Structura View can visit the site and ensure all proper procedures are being followed. We can also routinely inspect the finished product so you maintain warranty compliance.

A moisture meter on a roof.
A moisture meter on a roof.
A highlighted building facade issue.
A Structura View employee performing building enclosure consulting services.

6. Routine ongoing inspections and data collection 

Structura View will routinely return to each property and re-scan. Emerging problems will be caught faster and fixed more efficiently. Over time, you’ll get a crystal-clear picture of your buildings’ health.

Lower your operating costs and raise your property value with Structura View.